Sunny Sian
10 min readMar 20, 2022


When you’re working out, your body is breaking down muscle tissue, which means that in order for you to grow and recover optimally, your body requires protein. It’s as simple as that. Protein powder is a convenient and easy way to up your protein intake to ensure you’re getting enough each day. Fortunately enough, Melton Supps is home to some of the best protein powders in Australia.

But How much Protein do you Need?

This can vary depending on the individual, but a good guide is to aim for 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. So if you weigh 70kg, that’s 56g of protein each day.

What are the benefits of taking Protein Powder?

Protein powder is a great tool to add to your arsenal if you’re looking to lean out and reduce excess body fat, as it’s proven to support fat loss due to its ability to reduce hunger and cravings by keeping you full for longer! In addition to this, it can also help improve recovery time after training due to its impact on muscle growth and repair.

The best part about using protein powder is that it’s so versatile and can be used as an ingredient in baking or added into your favourite smoothie recipes! As for when you should consume it — the best time is after a workout, as that’s when your muscles need it most.

Top 6 Protein Powders for Every Goal

However, suppose you’re lactose intolerant or struggle with digesting dairy products? In that case, Whey Protein Isolate is a smarter choice for you as Concentrate contains higher traces of dairy. Due to the higher amount of lactose in Whey Protein Concentrate, you will also find that most are a little higher in calories also.

  1. Whey Protein Isolates (WPI)

Whey Protein Isolates are the purest form of whey protein available, and a step above Whey Concentrates, with 90–98% protein content. This is achieved through a filtering process that removes all fats, lactose, sugars and cholesterol from the protein source. This means that WPI provides virtually no carbs or fats, and is perfect for those looking to build lean muscle or simply boost their daily protein intake without any unwanted ingredients.

However, due to the processing required to isolate the protein from the other components of milk, some naturally occurring nutrients can be lost in this process. These include calcium and immunoglobulins (antibodies), which are generally found in milk products. To compensate, some manufacturers choose to fortify their WPI products with extra vitamins and minerals. This ensures you receive all of the health benefits of milk’s many bioactive compounds while maximising your protein intake.

Our recommendation is the Muscle Tech Platinum 100% Whey Protein Powder, Optimum Nutrition Whey Gold Standard and AMINO CHARGED WPI BY INTERNATIONAL PROTEIN these three are the best Whey protein Isolate powders in Australia!

2. Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)

Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is the most popular form of whey protein, and the least processed.

WPC is generally manufactured with a 60–80% protein content, 20–40% made up of fats and carbs. Known to build muscle and boost the effects of weight training, it is rich in other non-protein ingredients that are also beneficial for health and fitness goals

Popular with athletes, bodybuilders, and general fitness enthusiasts, Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) is high in protein, low in fat and carbs. Known to help build muscle, reduce cravings, encourage healthy weight loss, and improve the effects of weight training on the body — WPC is a great way to top up your daily protein intake. A quality Whey Protein Concentrate will offer high protein, low-fat and low-carb options, sustained release, a complete protein source, a good source of amino acids, and will be well-digested by the body.

Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) is a rich source of essentials amino acids and BCAAs, with an ideal balance of essential and non-essential amino acids. WPC is also a good source of immunoglobulins and lactoferrin, which support immune health. WPC is the least processed form of whey protein (compared to WPI and Hydrolysate), providing additional goodness in the form of fats, vitamins, minerals, and peptides.

Whey Protein Concentrate is a slow-release form of protein. This means that it provides a slower release of amino acids into your blood stream, giving your body a steady supply throughout the day as your body digests it.

A quality Whey Protein Concentrate will offer high protein, low-carb, low-fat, sustained release, a complete protein, and a solid source of amino acids.

However, suppose you’re lactose intolerant or struggle with digesting dairy products? In that case, Whey Protein Isolate is a smarter choice for you as Concentrate contains higher traces of dairy. Due to the higher amount of lactose in Whey Protein Concentrate, you will also find that most are a little higher in calories also.

Oxy Whey from Ehp Labsand Trusted Nutrition — Premium Whey these two are top Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC)in Australia!

3. Whey Protein Blends

To create a whey protein blend, WPC and WPI are simply combined to form a single product. The result is a powder that contains both fast and slow digesting proteins. However, the exact combination of each protein depends on the brand and their specific formula.

For example, a whey protein concentrate is typically 70% protein by weight, while WPI is typically around 90%. Therefore, if you were to mix 1kg of WPC with 1kg of WPI, you would have roughly 60% WPC and 40% WPI in your final product.

The benefit of using a whey blend over whey isolate is that it costs less but still provides the same health benefits. This is because the process of producing whey isolate is more expensive than the process used for whey concentrate. As such, the final product (whey isolate) reflects this cost difference and therefore costs more than its counterpart (whey concentrate).

Our recommendation is the Optimum Nutrition 100% Gold Standard Protein and R1 WHEY BLEND BY RULE1 PROTEINS, these two are top protein powders in Australia!

4. Milk and Casein Protein Powders

Milk and casein protein powders are derived from milk, being ultra-filtered to increase their protein content. This process also removes a lot of the lactose and fat from the milk, making them relatively low in lactose.

There are two main types of proteins found in milk, whey and casein. Whey is fast absorbing and best taken pre or post workout whereas casein is slow releasing and best taken before bedtime.

Why Casein Protein Powder?

Casein Protein Powder works as a slow-releasing protein by feeding your cells with amino acids at a slower rate and over a more extended period. Unlike whey protein that is best taken pre or post-workout due to its fast absorption, milk and casein protein powders are best taken just before bed to help you preserve muscle mass during a resting or fasting period. As your body is more likely to break down its own muscles for feeding during times of fasting, casein protein is anti-catabolic and helps to reduce protein/muscle breakdown. Much like other animal proteins, casein is a complete protein source, which means that it contains all of the essential amino acids your body needs for muscle growth and repair.

How does Casein Protein Powder work?

As we said above, casein protein works as a slow-releasing protein. It takes longer for the body to digest casein than it does other proteins like whey or soy, meaning casein can provide you with a steady supply of amino acids that can last for up to 7 hours! It’s because of this slow digestion that makes it great for taking before bed; take some just before you sleep so that your body has an uninterrupted supply

Our recommendation is the Muscle Nation Custard Casein Protein, one of the most popular Australian protein brands!

5. Vegan Protein Powder

Vegan protein powder is a complete source of protein, and is rich in healthy plant nutrients that can be especially beneficial to those following a vegan diet.

Vegan protein powder contains a range of beneficial nutrients, including:

Pea protein isolate — a complete source of protein that contains all 9 essential amino acids required by your body for muscle growth and repair. Pea protein isolate also has many other health benefits, including the ability to promote heart health and regulate blood sugar levels. Pea protein isolate also has been shown to suppress appetite, thereby assisting in weight loss and fat reduction.

Rice protein concentrate — a high quality, easily digestible source of protein that also contains all 9 essential amino acids required by your body for muscle growth and repair. Rice protein concentrate is a concentrated form of rice protein that has been processed to remove most of the carbohydrate content. This results in a higher concentration of protein than brown rice (which is typically used in lesser quality products).

Peanut flour — a popular ingredient among athletes because it’s rich in monounsaturated fats, which provides long-lasting energy during exercise. When consumed post-workout with other plant-based proteins like pea and rice, peanut flour further enhances muscle recovery and repair.

A vegan protein should be consumed, much like whey protein, as a pre or post-workout shake. It can be mixed with water, added to your fruit smoothie or greens juice, or used in baking.

Our recommendation is the Greens: Gut Health and Immunity, Vegan Protein Blendand Clean Vegan Protein By BSC Science. All these are best vegan proteins in Australian market

6. Mass Gainer

Do you struggle to gain or maintain muscle mass?

Do you want to see incredible muscle growth?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, then a mass gainer may be just what you need!

Mass gainers are high-calorie supplements that provide the protein, carbohydrates and fat your body needs to build muscle. And with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know which one is best for you. Luckily for you, we’ve put together this guide to help you find the perfect supplement for your needs.

Whether you want to gain serious muscle mass, struggle to see muscle growth, or simply don’t have a schedule that allows you to commit to a strict high-calorie diet, a mass gainer may be precisely what you need to achieve your goals!

When it comes to building muscle, you need to look no further than mass gainers. Designed to pack on as much lean muscle mass as possible in a short amount of time, weight gainers are the perfect supplement for individuals who want to improve their physique and athletic performance. Whether you’re a hard-gainer that struggles to see muscle growth or simply don’t have the time or schedule that allows you to commit to a strict high-calorie diet, a mass gainer may be precisely what you need to achieve your goals!

It’s no secret that if you wish to increase muscle mass, it’s fundamental that you first increase your daily calories above maintenance mode in order to provide your body with sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and fat to build new muscle tissue. Yet, while increasing your daily food intake sounds fun in theory, it’s often easier said than done; which is where a high-quality mass gainer comes in handy. Combining your two favourite components for solid muscle growth — protein and complex carbohydrates — weight gainers are designed to be taken between meals. The best mass gainers are formulated with high-quality protein sources like whey concentrate, isolate and micellar casein; along with nutrient-dense carbohydrate sources like oats and sweet potato.

A mass gainer can be mixed with water, milk, or juice and can be taken in the morning, between meals, or post-workout.

Our recommendation is the Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass for a high-calorie mass gainer one of the best protein powders for muscle gain in Australia!


Protein powders have become an essential part of the modern athletes toolkit. They come in a range of different types, from whey protein powders, to vegan protein powders and other dietary supplements. So if you’re looking for the best protein powder to help you reach your fitness goals then reach out to our online team or visit our online Melton Supps store and have a chat with our friendly team members. Melton Supps stocks an array of well-known reputable supplement brands and is home to the best protein powders in Australia.



Sunny Sian

Best Value Supplements Physically located at Melton (3337) Australia, we provide Price Matching**, Deliveries, Diet plans